Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Language and Content

Shouldn't all books have language and content?

Categories for rating books:
Violent images
Adult themes


Jilly said...

What about "disturbing images"?

And since it's RS, should we include things like

"Liberal viewpoints"
"Strong Feminism"


Hardy har har.

Bossy Moo said...

I didn't even want to include "adult themes" and I'll probably take it out. (I'll eventually delete all these early posts anyway.) RS is for 18 and up. Supposedly, everyone is a grown-up. If there's nothing explicit, I don't think we should have to warn people about characters making bad choices, acknowledgement of evil, and difficult conflicts.

Hopefully by the time you're 18, you can handle something a little heavier than Jack Weyland.

Jilly said...

Have you ever been to a Relief Society book club? They wouldn't read Twilight cuz it had vampires in it. Granted, Twilight would be a dumb book club book anyway due to lack of discussion topics, but not because there are vampires.

But we don't need to cater our website to the abnoxious ones either. So I'm cool with whatever.